
Friday, April 15, 2011

Another Little Chinese Student is on the Way...

Thought I'd better give a quick explanation of why I've been so quiet lately. I've got another little bubba on the way, due next November! I've been feeling pretty sick and tired for the last couple of months so haven't been able to do much about learning Chinese, let alone doing the stuff I 'have' to do like keeping the house clean and cooking. My little son has kept me on my toes though pulling out Chinese flashcards and begging to play and practice Chinese. He has also started choosing to count in Chinese instead of English which is great. It will be very interesting to see how things go with our new bub hearing Chinese from the day he/she is born. I didn't start learning until my son was 1 1/2 so I'm curious to see if speaking Chinese seems even more natural to bub #2. Hopefully I'll start feeling better in the coming weeks and will be able to be a bit more active in my learning and finding more great stuff to post here. :-)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Vote for Jay Chou!

I just discovered today that my favourite singer, Jay Chou, is up for nomination in the 2011 TIME 100 poll. He is currently in 3rd place!!! It's really exciting to see the western world finally getting to know Jay and see how talented he is. Jay is from Taiwan and sings in Mandarin.

You can vote for him by visiting - Jay Chou.

Here's a few reasons why I love Jay.

I love his incredible talent in:
1. Composing music
2. Playing the piano
3. Playing countless other instruments like a pro!
4. Singing
5. Awesome concerts (I was lucky enough to see him in Sydney in 2009!!!!)
6. His movie, 'Secret' which he directed, wrote, composed the soundtrack, and starred in. (hope I got that all correct)
7. Other movies such as Initial D, Kung Fu Dunk and others.
8. Lastly, he's just a really nice guy all round. :-)